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Start-Up: Eversnap Collects Photos of All Guests
Eversnap lets you collect all the photos and videos of all the guests at your event in one online photo album. Nowadays everyone takes their own pictures at weddings, festivals, or other events.

4 Tips to Manage Onsite Event Changes
When you think of the events industry, Murphy's Law probably comes to mind 'anything that can go wrong will go wrong'. Everyone knows events are magic and somehow everything comes into place last minute...

Tips for a Healthy Work-Life Balance as Event Manager
'Event Manager' is one of the most stressful jobs in the world. We are connected always and everywhere. But is this really healthy? Where do you draw the line between professional and private?

Twitter for #eventprofs - Infographic
Twitter is a powerful tool for event professionals. Julius Solaris from eventmanagerblog gives in his infographic tips to successfully use Twitter for event marketing, PR, customer service, research and sales.

Start-Up: Locometric Scans and Draws Floor Plan
With the Locometric app you can draw a floor plan of a room in no time by simply scanning the walls. Loco Metric works quickly and efficiently.

Most Effective B2B Tactic: Events
MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute partnered again for their anual B2B marketing industry survey. Interesting to see is that 'in-person events' are in the lead of the TOP 5 most effective B2B tactics list.

Start-Up: Prezentt
Does this sound familiar: you give a beautiful presentation and your audience is extremely interested. That's all good. But how do you capture the details of all those who are interested and make sure you don't miss any leads?