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Start-Up: Virtual Event Bags
Virtual event bags offer a nice alternative to the traditional goodie bags that are handed out at events. Most traditional goodie bags are filled with promotional items that are largely tossed immediately in the trashcan.

63% want Virtual Meetings
According to a study undertaken by American Express event planners, contrary to their participants, are less convinced about hosting virtual meetings - as opposed to 63% of participants who stated they would prefer virtual meetings.

Events & Technology: Hologram
Hologram: a three-dimensional image created with photographic projection. The effect can be spectacular at large events. Is this going to become the new trend?

American Express Teams Up with DoubleDutch to Measure ROI
American Express announced that it has teamed up with DoubleDutch to launch an exclusive, data-driven dashboard for meetings professionals to help them measure ROI of their events.

Events & Technology: RFID
Identifying visitors remotely - that's what RFID does. By linking RFID to online interaction, you can intensify the experience of your event even further. A fantastic breakthrough, but is it for any event?

Two Apps to Electrify Your Event Marketing
2014, videos started to make a huge impact on the events industry. Research has found that one video is the equivalent of 3,600 web pages, so it is safe to say that people have finally realized the power video can have on their event promotion.

6 Tips to Squeeze Your Event Budget
If you're organizing an event, then the phrase 'the sky is the limit' rarely applies to the budget. How can you squeeze production costs to get the most out of the budget?