Column: Is the event industry made up of fools!?

Column: Is the event industry made up of fools!?

"A recent study shows that being an 'event manager' is one of the top 5 most stressful jobs." Seriously. I saw it in black and white in an article. But we're in good company!

Column: 5 Social Media Do's & Don'ts - Rise Above Advertising

Column: 5 Social Media Do's & Don'ts - Rise Above Advertising

Whether or not social media is being used is purely determined by your audience. And simply tweeting about how good your event is makes no sense at all. So what is it about then?

Getting Event Registration Right

Getting Event Registration Right

Julius Solaris has posted an inspiring new presentation on SlideShare. This time Julius focuses on the registration process at events. After all, this is all too often a nightmare.

Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling

Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling

Pixar conquered the world with animated films such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, ... Pixar's secret? The art of storytelling. As a speaker and/or event planner you can learn a lot from that!

Event Manager in TOP 5 Most Stressing Jobs 2014

Event Manager in TOP 5 Most Stressing Jobs 2014

Every employee deals with stress at some or other time, but some jobs are more stressful than others. According to the career website Event Managers are this year in the top 5.

Safety First on your Event Checklist

Safety First on your Event Checklist

Obviously you should always be concerned about the safety of your guests at your event. If you make use of an accredited security firm - which is recommended - then discuss the following 7 points quite thoroughly with them.

Fireworks go Seriously Wrong

Fireworks go Seriously Wrong

"You are an idiot if you play around with fireworks", was once the slogan in a government campaign against the use of fireworks. And we're inclined to agree after watching this movie.