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How to Craft an Engaging Social Program and Conquer Your Attendees
Stop what you're doing for a second, check the program of your next event, and ask yourself, "Is there something I could improve to enhance the attendee experience?"

5 Ways to Engage your Participants Even More
"This was the best event experience ever." That is what you as an event planner would like to hear from your participants. Only then are you truly satisfied. Engagement is one of the tools that can help you achieve that goal.

Important Questions to Ask Before Engaging Attendees with Gamification
Concidering gamification for your event? Make sure you'll ask the right questions upfront to select the most suitable tools.

How to Communicate Efficiently with Guest Speakers at Events
There's no doubt about it: guest speakers are the stars of your event. Nothing will define the attendance rate or the way your audience feels more than your guest speakers.

How to Plan and Run a Powerful World Café
Let's admit it: making people interact or discuss important subjects during your event can be challenging. You can save yourself the headache by choosing the right format.

How Sharing Economy Will Change the Event Industry
Here's the thing you may not have noticed: the collaborative economy is gradually reshaping the event industry. New opportunities related to the sharing economy are empowering more and more event managers by offering new solutions and fresh perspectives.

5 Things You Must Know When You Search for an Event Venue
Searching a good venue for your event can be a real hassle. You have to take so many things into account! Is the venue accessible enough? Is the Wi-Fi connection strong? Is the air-conditioning system adequate?