eventplanner.tv is looking for compelling stories and inspiring event personalities. Do you know anyone who fits that description? Someone who the event industry can learn from? Or perhaps you'd like to do your own story on TV?
Our editorial team is currently busy with production planning for the coming months and could use your help! Which topics would you still like to see addressed? What questions do you want answered? Who would you like to see Kevin put on the couch for an interview? Send an email to editor@eventplanner.tv or post a comment below this article.
Do you have a unique event location, an innovative product or concept that you would like to bring to the attention of more than 125,000 event promoters? There's space for that as well on eventplanner.tv in either the infomercial format, or by sponsoring one of our episodes. Read more about bringing your event company on tv. Be sure to contact us today!
WANTED: Thought Provoking Stories for eventplanner.tv