Extravagant CEO Builds Impressive Event Location for 6,000 Guests

Extravagant CEO Builds Impressive Event Location for 6,000 Guests

The extravagant Belgian business man Fernand Huts organizes a three week festival in a reconstructed medieval fortress with 6,000 guests.


"How much it will cost me? I am not even sure myself. It will be a party full of fantasy and magic". The Belgian entrepreneur Fernand Huts is known for his biting and bold comments on politics and harbour matters, but not when it comes to the finances of his company Katoen Natie. It is still a mystery how much excess money he has to celebrate the 160th anniversary of his company. From 18 August until 6 September he will party every day with 350 guests on the grounds of his establishment Singelberg in the Antwerpian harbour on the left bank of the Schelde river. "We just wish to give our guests a unique experience", Huts said in the local newspaper.


Singelberg was the name of a medieval fortress, and so Huts is reconstructing his harbour company to look like such a fortress, including a three meter wide moat.


To get the job done, Huts makes use of the services of a film set constructor, who used old shipping containers and a great amount of wood, cardboard, plaster and paint to make a castle. You can find more pictures on the website of De Morgen.


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