Would You Like Your Invoice to be Paid Faster? Add some Candy!

Would You Like Your Invoice to be Paid Faster? Add some Candy!

Add a breath mint or some candy to your invoices and they will on average be paid eight days sooner. This is shown by a study by Jortt.


The event industry too sometimes faces invoices that are not paid on time. Outstanding invoices are a headache and a large drain on funds for entrepreneurs. But there is a simple solution: add a breath mint to the invoice and it will be paid 8 days sooner on average.


"The idea is actually quite simple. In hotels and restaurants they have known for years that the eagerness to pay is far greater if you add some candy to the bill. So that this would have a positive effect on the payment behaviour was already known to us, but that it made such a difference even surprised us", states Hilco de Roo, commercial director at Jortt. This study focuses specifically on those invoices that are sent by mail.


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