Marketing tips for event venues and event suppliers

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Linkbuilding for Event Venues: Why It Matters & How to Get It Right

Linkbuilding for Event Venues: Why It Matters & How to Get It Right

In digital marketing, link building might not sound as glamorous as hosting a high-profile wedding or corporate gala - but it can be just as impactful for the success of your event venue or business.

Become an Official Partner: Certify your Event Company in our Event Software

Become an Official Partner: Certify your Event Company in our Event Software

Interested in becoming an official partner of as an event agency, wedding planner, venue, caterer, etc.?

Bring Your Reviews to Life with Photos!

Bring Your Reviews to Life with Photos!

At, we're always striving to enhance the experience for both event planners and businesses on our platform. Reviews play a crucial role in helping planners across the globe find the best event venues and suppliers.

Event email marketing campaign mastery: Strategies to boost engagement and attendance

Event email marketing campaign mastery: Strategies to boost engagement and attendance

Effective communication is paramount in the dynamic world of event planning, where every detail counts. While social media and other digital channels have their place, email marketing remains the cornerstone of successful event promotion.

Who will be the Best Event Company or Venue of 2024?

Who will be the Best Event Company or Venue of 2024? is awarding the best event venues and companies for the 9th time this year. Who will win the coveted award? Vote for your favorite now.

Unlock the full power of event planning with eventplanner.PRO

Unlock the full power of event planning with eventplanner.PRO

In line with this year's exciting keynote announcements, we're thrilled to share that we've taken a big step towards delivering even better event management software!

Online Training and Certification Event Software

Online Training and Certification Event Software

More and more organizers are switching to the event software. To help you get the most out of our software, we are launching online training and certification.