magic-ballon®, balloon artist and children's fun actor, balloon magician
magic-ballon®, balloon artist and children's fun actor, balloon magician
Walking Act *The Funny Bear*, Wil-Lie the Bee, The Dear Easter Bunny, Your Santa Claus and Father Christmas
The balloon actor and children's entertainer, balloon magician, presenter and speaker.
Walking act for events. Targeted and effective promotion/addressing and animation of your guests and target groups.
magic-ballon®, Ballon-Künstler und Kinderspaß-Akteur, Ballon-Zauberer
Walking Act *Der lustige Bär*, Biene Wil-Lie, Der liebe Osterhase, Dein Nikolaus und Weihnachtsmann
Der Ballon-Akteur und Kinder-Animateur, Ballon-Zauberer, Moderator und Sprecher.
Walking-Act für Events. Gezielte und effektive Promotion/Ansprache und Animation Ihrer Gäste und Zielgruppen.