

eventplanner.tv is a tv-channel and podcast for event planners. Our broadcasts include cutting-edge interviews on event planning, event management, ... with leading opinion-makers, fascinating documentaries and detailed analyses of the most recent events trends.

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10 Core Competences for Customer-Oriented Communication

10 Core Competences for Customer-Oriented Communication

Frederik Imbo will share ten core competencies regarding customer oriented communication. Each a practical tip to make the experience of your customer or attendee more pleasant. Allowing you to become more effective as a seller or service provider.

Impact of the New European Privacy Regulations

Impact of the New European Privacy Regulations

There are new privacy regulations in the European Union, and this has quite a bit of impact. Also for event planners and event companies. Lawyer Bart Van den Brande explains clearly what this means.

What can we Learn from 1st Pan-European Industry Survey?

What can we Learn from 1st Pan-European Industry Survey?

The first pan-European study in the live communication industry predicts a growth of the events industry with increasing or consistent budgets. Initiator Maarten Schram of LiveCom Alliance can tell us all about it.

What to Look Out For when Renting a Tent?

What to Look Out For when Renting a Tent?

What should you be looking out for when you’re renting a tent for your event? Kevin asksTim Smedts of De Boer tents. They also discuss the safety, the newest options in tent structures and the costs involved.

Venue Sourcing

Venue Sourcing

In this eventplanner.tv episode we'll be discussing why venue sourcing is playing a key role in the event cycle and how it changes your life as an event planner. Kevin's studio guest for today is etouches’ vice president sourcing and hospitality solutions, Mike Mason.

How to Deal with Pickpockets on Events?

How to Deal with Pickpockets on Events?

How do you deal with pickpockets on your event? Who could answer this question more effectively than a thief himself? Dominik Messiaen knows the trade and explains how pickpockets do their business, and how you can combat them.

Data-Driven Marketing for Event Planners

Data-Driven Marketing for Event Planners

How do you use data driven marketing to get more out of your events? Kevin discusses this with data marketer Kris Vranken.

Drones - Possibilities on Events

Drones - Possibilities on Events

Drones offer quite a few new possibilities for events. Not only do they make great aerial shots you can also use them to improve the security of your event, or even as part of the show. In this eventplanner TV episode, Kevin talks to drone pilot, Seppe Koop, about what you can do with drones in your event.

Real-time Insights in Event ROI

Real-time Insights in Event ROI

We all know by now what event ROI is, but how do you take control of your event data to have real-time insights into how your event performs? Kevin's guest, Bill Bosak is an expert in the field of data and analytics at etouches.

Biohacking - Productive as Event Professionals

Biohacking - Productive as Event Professionals

We event planners always lack time, are constantly under pressure and push our bodies to the extremes. What if you could use technology and science to cleverly deal with this? That's exactly what biohacking does.

Music as a Tool for Teambuildings

Music as a Tool for Teambuildings

Music is a powerful means of communication. Everyone knows that, but did you know it is also an ideal tool for team buildings? And who could better explain that than musician, Jean Bosco Safari.

Complex Events are Not Better #simplify

Complex Events are Not Better #simplify

We like to make things very difficult for ourselves. We think of complex solutions while a simple approach oftentimes works best. Jan-Peter Bogers is an expert in simplifying things.

Atmosphere and Show with the Right Lighting

Atmosphere and Show with the Right Lighting

Lighting on an event is not only functional, it is essential for the atmosphere and show. Tom Van Landeghem of Art of Confusion knows exactly how to make a lighting scheme with the right lighting for your events.

Ladders and bananas

Ladders and bananas

Today, Kevin talks to Cyriel Kortleven about ladders and bananas in the event business. Would you like to find out how these matters are related? Stay tuned and find out.

Ins and Outs EUBEA Event Awards

Ins and Outs EUBEA Event Awards

The European Best Event Awards are like the Oscars for the European event industry. Today Kevin talks to organizer Salvatore Sagone.

EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!