eventplanner.tv is a tv-channel and podcast for event planners. Our broadcasts include cutting-edge interviews on event planning, event management, ... with leading opinion-makers, fascinating documentaries and detailed analyses of the most recent events trends.
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What if a funeral becomes an event?
Is there a future, for the events sector, in death? Sophie Naze and Katrijn Desteghe want to break the taboos and offer an alternative to a classic funeral.

Etiquette for Event Managers - Etiquette on Events (part 5)
In this last episode of our miniseries, Etiquette for event-managers, you will learn everything you need to know as an organizer about etiquette at parties and events.

Etiquette for Event Managers - Business Etiquette (part 4)
In these miniseries, Etiquette for event-managers, you will learn everything you need to know about etiquette as an organizer. This episode is all about: business etiquette.

ePrivacy? The Next GDPR directive?
We have not yet digested the GDPR legislation, or Europe is coming up with a new legislation. This time about EPrivacy. Time for an update with Sirius Legal lawyer Bart Van den Brande.

What is 'Blockchain'? Everything You Need to Know as Event Professional
Most people know blockchain from cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. But did you know that this technology also has a lot in store for the event industry?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Event Industry
Will AI, or artificial intelligence, take over the job of event planners? Who knows? What we can tell you is how AI can help you organize better events, today.

Etiquette for Event Managers - Seating Plan (part 3)
In these miniseries, Etiquette for event-managers, you will learn everything you need to know about etiquette, as an organizer. Expert Vincent Vermeulen explains today how to draw up a seating-plan.

'Machine Learning' and What the Event Indusrty Could do With It
Now that we know, from a previous episode, what Big Data is, we will discover today, what you can do with that data. Machine learning is the buzz word here.

Crowd Management Done Right
Crowd management is a profession apart. In this eventplanner.tv episode, Kevin talks with Paul Foster, on how to better plan crowd flows.

Event Manager in the Spotlight
Should we, as an event manager, disappear into the background, like a chameleon, or stand prominently in the spotlight? Ester de Graaf thinks that event managers should be more visible.

How to present your message in a smart way?
Many presentations miss their target, because they do not succeed in conveying the message clearly. Kevin has invited expert Harald Dumoulin with the question: how do you present your message in a smart way?

'Big Data' in the Event Industry
Today will be a more technical episode, but if you want to remain relevant as an event professional, you do need to know what big data is. That is why Kevin has chosen this topic.

Etiquette for Event Managers - Table Etiquette (part 2)
In this miniseries, Etiquette for event-managers, you will learn everything you need to know about etiquette as an organizer. Kevin asks expert Vincent Vermeulen, in this episode, all about table etiquette.

Etiquette for Event Managers - Hierarchy (part 1)
In this mini-series 'etiquette for event managers' you will learn everything you need to know about etiquette as an organizer. Today Kevin zooms in with expert Vincent Vermeulen on 'hierarchy' in etiquette.

Event Trends 2019
Trendwatcher Tom Palmaerts is back in our studio and gives you insight into the hottest trends in the event industry. And how to translate these to your events.