eventplanner.tv is a tv-channel and podcast for event planners. Our broadcasts include cutting-edge interviews on event planning, event management, ... with leading opinion-makers, fascinating documentaries and detailed analyses of the most recent events trends.
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Multi-Hub Meetings
Multi-hub meetings. What are those and why should you care? Maarten Vanneste wrote a book on the future of meetings and he's here with me, in the studio.

DNA of a Successful Panel Discussion
What is it that turns a panel discussion on your event into either a success of a failure? Jan-Jaap unravels the DNA of a successful panel.

Tips for a Successful Webinar
You see them more and more often: live webinars. A virtual presentation for an online audience. This new form of presenting requires a different presentation style from what we’re used to. Otto Wijnen tells us how to handle this.

Ask Powerful Questions
An event becomes really powerful when you know how to ask the right questions. Do you want to know how that works? Keep watching. Chad Littlefield is our expert today.

To-The-Point Presentations
Presentations are a source of frustration a lot of time and even wrong decisions. At least that is what Kevin's next guest thinks. He wrote a book about how you can present to the point.

Smart Content Creation on Events
Today I am talking to Oliver de Leeuw about content, marketing and social media. We discover how you can share really interesting things before, during and after an event. And also how you can use your events to create content for an entire year.

Get Rid of Speakers... Experts are What You Need!
Moderator Jan-Jaap in der Maur has had it with speakers on events. He wants to see experts on stage. Why? He is here today himself to explain.

Interaction starts at the entrance
We’ve often seen topics at eventplanner.tv about the role of moderators. They are an important element in your event.

Holy Trinity Events
Event Marketing is about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. At least that is the opinion of event expert Peter Decuypere, who developed the Holy Trinity Methods for a unique event experience.

Science behind Netwoking
Networking is not a commercial activity. It’s in our DNA. Today, Kevin is talking to Margriet de Groot about the science behind networking.

How to Design a Successful Online Event?
More and more events are streamed live online. Great. Only, the most are so boring to watch that viewers quickly drop out again. How do you design an online event that does work? You will discover it in this eventplanner.tv episode.

Talk Nerdy to Me
Are you organizing a conference? Chances are high you will have some scientists on stage. Some of these nerds aren’t what I would call the best speakers out there. So how does one present complex technical ideas? Kevin talks nerdy about it with Melissa Marshall.

Innovative Sound Wall for Festivals and Events
How do you, as a festival organizer, prevent noise hindrance for the environment of your event? How do you handle the sound clash between different stages?

Intrinsic Motivation
What can you as an event professional learn from a professional musician? Perhaps not a whole lot at first glance. But when you learn that it takes 10,000 hours to properly master an instrument then the answer is quite simple. Intrinsic motivation.

To PowerPoint or Not to PowerPoint
To PowerPoint or not to PowerPoint, that’s the question. Kevin talks about it with Otto Wijnen.